Fluoride Treatment

Green Dental & Orthodontics Offers Fluoride Treatment

At Green Dental Sherman Oaks, we are committed to providing comprehensive dental care. One of the  services we offer is fluoride treatment.

Fluoride works in two ways:

Topical fluoride

Topical fluoride strengthens the teeth by seeping into the outer shell of the tooth enamel, which provides a shield to protect them. This lustrous shield is the result of seeping fluoric acid into the tooth’s outer layer, which helps fortify teeth and make them more resistant to decay.

Fluoride has the ability to strengthen teeth by penetrating the hard outer layer, which provides a shield to protect them.

Twice a year, your child’s mouth should be checked for tooth decay by a dentist and their oral hygiene should be monitored. In addition, their teeth should be brushed twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and seen by a dentist twice a year for professional application of topical fluoride.

Systemic fluoride

To help protect your smile, your dentist may recommend you to turn to systematic fluoridation. It strengthens the teeth that have been erupted and are developing under the gums.

Using systematic fluoride is a common way to protect teeth.To keep your teeth from getting cavities, you can use daily fluoride treatments or brush with dental floss. Fluoride strengthens teeth that have erupted and will develop under the gums.

Your dentist or dental hygienist may recommend the use of home and/or professional fluoride treatments for the following reasons:

  • Deep pits and fissures on the chewing surfaces of teeth.
  • Exposed and sensitive root surfaces.
  • Fair to poor oral hygiene habits.
  • Frequent sugar and carbohydrate intake.
  • Inadequate exposure to fluorides.
  • Inadequate saliva flow due to medical conditions, medical treatments or medications.
  • Recent history of dental decay.
Fluoride Treatment

Types of fluoride treatment

At Green Dental Sherman Oaks, we offer various types of fluoride treatment to cater to the diverse needs of our patients. These include:

  • Topical Treatment: Topical treatment is a common form of fluoride treatment that most dentists use. is available in the form of a foam, gel, or varnish. It is applied to the teeth which remains there for a few minutes. It allows the fluoride to penetrate the enamel & provide protection.
  • Professional Strength Fluoride Toothpaste: Many dentists also recommend professional strength fluoride toothpaste. This toothpaste contains a higher concentration of fluoride that provides enhanced protection against cavities.
  • Fluoride Mouth Rinse: A fluoride mouth rinse is an excellent option for individuals who may struggle with topical fluoride treatments.
  • Fluoride Supplements: To maintain the required fluoride, many dentists would recommend supplements that are available as drops, tablets, or lozenges that are taken daily to ensure sufficient fluoride intake.

Get in touch with us now to get started with your fluoride treatment.

During your visit at at our Sherman Oaks office, our dental team will evaluate your oral health and determine the most suitable type of fluoride treatment for your specific needs.

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